Monday, July 15, 2013

18 Holes

We hadn’t been miniature golfing at any of our local courses all year. But we finally made our way over to one of our favorite mini golf courses yesterday.

After we started playing, beginning on the third hole, Kai wanted his picture taken on every hole.

"Dad, take a picture!" he kept saying.

And so I did.

















And then, when we were done, he wanted to go back and get his picture taken at the first two holes.



My wife and I got tired as it was a hot day and there was very little shade there. But Kia stayed enthusiastic throughout, and, if anything, got more and more into the pictures as we went along.

And now we have 18 pictures to remember our fun day.


  1. It is good that Kai likes having his picture taken. Although it was a different time when we were children (no digital photos)...I wish my parents had taken many more photos when we were young. I always enjoy looking back and reliving the moment whenever I see our old photos. Kai will have much to relive in your photos (as will my son).

    Of course, I really like photo #2. It shows Kai's playfulness. However, you having been there, you have the advantage of remembering the set up of the shot...and so, each photo has its own fun, flavor, and special memory.

    On a side does look hot there. I am astounded that with all of the fun structures built...they hadn't included shade (same with most I have been to also).

    1. My parents did take a lot of photos when we were young. I have been trying to find them when I go to my Dad's house, but haven't found them yet. But with digital, I'm sure I am taking a lot more pictures than if I were still using film.

      #2 was my favorite, too. But he was fairly playful throughout.

      This course is really creative, but they missed the boat on not having some shaded areas.


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