Sunday, November 13, 2016

Sunday Surprise: Making Christmas Ornaments

We began the Sunday Surprise program last weekend to try to help get Kai more accustomed to unplanned activities so that he will eventually be better able to tolerate unexpected events. We thought long and hard about what our second Sunday Surprise would be, and it wasn't until Saturday afternoon that we decided.

My wife was in a craft store and saw a demonstration of people decorating Christmas ornaments and thought that would be a fun family activity. So she bought all the stuff we would need: several clear plastic ornament balls, glue, various colors of paint, glitter glue, and sparkles/glitter.

The basic idea is that you take the clear ornament balls and put glue inside of them...

Then you spread the glue around by shaking the ornament...

You then put sprinkles or glitter inside the ball and continue shaking to spread it all around. Alternatively, instead of glue, you can put paint inside the ball and shake that up. You can also use glitter glue. If you'd like, you can decorate the outside of the ornament ball with either stickers or a marker.

I used mostly paint inside my ornaments while my wife made several nice ones using glue and various aprinkles/glitter inside.

Kai put green paint inside his ornaments and then decorated the outside of them with a marker.

Yes, you see correctly - he made biohazard bombs. After all, nothing says "Merry Christmas" like a biohazard bomb.

I think he enjoyed the activity, but after making just two of those, he didn't want to do any more. So, my wife and I made the rest of the ornaments.

Ah well, it was probably better that way. After all, how many biohazard bombs can you put on one Christmas tree?


  1. Ah...I remember decorating some ornaments when I was young. However, I was never so creative as Kai had been with his ornaments.

    What you are doing with the surprises is one of the techniques which the ABA therapists had used with my great effect. It raises the intolerance threshold through tolerable increments.

    1. Kai is very creative, or unconventional, anyway. :) Yes, we are hoping this helps to raise his tolerance for unplanned events.

  2. What a great idea!

    Cracking up at the bombs! Oh my! haha....

    1. I'm pretty sure you can find YouTube videos that will show you how to do this.

      Kai has his unique interests... we'll have the only tree in the neighborhood with a biohazard bomb. :)


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