Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Atypical Toys for an Atypical Child

“With Hanukkah and Christmas soon upon us, it brings to mind that my son’s atypical interest in toys can make choosing a gift for him quite a challenge… too often we steer (relatives) toward something that we think he should play with instead of something that he actually would play with.”

Read this week’s column in the Patch for the whole story. Then add your own ideas on what to get a child who doesn’t play with the usual toys. Click here!


  1. I remember when my son was younger and he was especially interested in numbers and letters. We had gotten him a toy for Christmas...which one, I forget...only because he hadn't really liked it so much. He was excited about the box it had come in as it had numbers and symbols on it. He took the toy out of the box, set it down... and started rotating the box in his hands with delight as he read each side.

  2. Haha, that sounds like something Kai would do, too. It's funny how kids sometimes get excited about things like that and then we wonder why we spent so much money on a toy when we could have just given them the box.


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