Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Passover Seder

We had Kai’s grandparents over for Passover Seder yesterday.

Kai looks forward to all holidays, but this is one of his favorites. I like that he so enjoys a holiday that is not dominated by gifts. His love of this occasion is for the rituals, and spending cherished time with family.

He was very excited when his grandparents arrived. After enthusiastically greeting them, he ran to get his magnetic Hebrew alphabet characters.

Then he wanted to help Bubbe set up the Seder plate.

The first couple years we celebrated Passover, Kai had a wide-eyed fascination with all of the rituals of the Seder. Now, he is so familiar with them, and looks forward with anticipation.

In previous years, Bubbe explained to Kai the different parts of the Seder plate. This year Kai was telling her what needed to go on the plate. He wasn’t so much helping as he was directing and doing.

Papa asked Kai if he would assist while Papa led the Seder. Kai agreed.

But when we got started, Kai kind of took over, reading the Haggadah and going through all the steps.

He directed us to have the first glass of wine, or cup of grape juice in our case.

He pointed out the parts of the Seder plate.

He really enjoyed dipping the parsley in salt water.

When he got to the Ten Plagues, he was ready with the finger and hand puppets that he had from previous years.

We had dinner, and then it was time to find the afikoman. Usually an adult usually does that while the kids compete to find it for a reward. But this time Kai wanted to hide it. And when Papa found it, he got the reward of a big hug from Kai.

Aside from all the Seder rituals, what I enjoyed the most was seeing Kai interact with his grandparents. He is recognizing his grandfather’s humor more and more. I remember when Kai was younger, Kai would have a puzzled expression on his face and we would have to explain that Papa was kidding. These days he is likely to laugh and say, “No, Papa. You’re joking.”

And so we had a wonderful Passover. Hopefully you had a nice one, too.


  1. One of the great rewards for Parents and Grand Parents...a big hug!

    I see smiles and laughter...warmth and hugs.

    What a nice evening you must have had.

  2. Awwww wonderful
    What gorgeous happy pictures


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