Friday, January 27, 2012

I Think I Prefer the Torn Clothing

My son had two more major incidents at school yesterday. So far, the new medication does not appear to be effective.

Later in the day, as Kai was changing into his karate gi (uniform), my wife noticed a large bite mark on his arm. He had apparently bitten his arm at school during one of the incidents.

This photo is from this morning, and it doesn’t look as red as it did yesterday, but you can still see the teeth marks.

Usually, when Kai has incidents like this, he bites his shirts, sometimes to the point of totally tearing them apart. I don’t know why this time he chewed on his arm instead.

Shirts can be replaced. Injuries to his body can be more serious. I hope this isn’t the start of a trend.


  1. Our son has done the same on multiple occasions when we was frustrated. Thankfully, it's been a while since he's done it. We used the tapping method (EFT) to help distract him, but it really required us being close by to walk him through the steps. Althouh, it did seem to help calm him down and switch gears.

    Sorry to hear about Kai, hopefully it's a one time incident.


    1. Myra, we have tried a lot of different therapies and treatments but have not done EFT yet. You've made me curious and I will look into it for Kai.


  2. Hopefully the medication just needs adjustment time.

    1. Yes, hopefully. The doctor will probably recommend increasing the dosage.

  3. Oh, I'm sorry. Hope the meds get sorted out soon!

    1. Thanks, Betsy. We may seek a second opinion.


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